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Share your testimony

Why not share how God has answered prayer in your life? Visit our testimonies page.

What if we prayed for victory?

Do you ever feel like praying for a particular victory is an endless battle? You pray for change only to experience the same thing again and again and again.   These unfulfilled prayers are often accompanied by thoughts of failure. Again I failed? This will never change. I will never change. Why bother trying? Why…

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What if we stepped out and prayed for specific answers?

Do you tend to dance around an issue reminding God that he’s free to answer his way in his time; whenever and however? This might sound spiritual but is it? Many of us describe to the Lord all the problems and trouble that a particular prayer request brings, but never actually step out and ask…

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What if we prayed for the impossible?

Do you pray for things that are humanly impossible? Do you lift seemingly laughable situations up to God or do you place them on the beyond what even God is capable of doing pile? I have to admit something; I love to pray for impossible situations. I actually enjoy praying for things that appear to be…

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What if we prayed for healing?

It was 2:00 am, the morning of my conference in Ukraine. I couldn’t sleep; not because of the pain I was experiencing in my back, but because I was too excited about my conference and what would lie ahead that day. I had some thoughts and teachings I couldn’t wait to share with these ladies…

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Is commitment enough?

Consider with me the promises many of us make. We promise our employers to come to work, to be on time and put our best foot forward, as the saying goes. Some of us have promised to enter into a marriage relationship. We’ve promised to stay faithful to our spouse, for better or worse. Parents…

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What if we prayed when facing battles?

Scripture is filled with teachings about battles. In Ephesians 6 we’re encouraged to prepare for them. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against…

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What if we cried out to God?

When was the last time you cried out to the Lord? Have you ever done this? There’s something powerful about lifting your voice in desperation to the only one who can meet your every need. In psalm 88:9 David wrote, “I call to you every day. I spread out my hands to you.” Can you…

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What if we prayed with passion?

Have you lost your passion for prayer? Is passion a word that comes to mind when you think of prayer, or has prayer become something you do because you know you should? Do you look forward to praying?  God works through our prayers to make a difference.  He works to bring healing, mend marriages and…

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Prayer Changes Our Perspective

“If I can,” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Mark 9:23 Not only do our circumstances change when we pray, but our perspectives do as well.  How we see whatever it is we’re experiencing greatly affects our thoughts, our emotions, and often the actions we choose to take.  Our view and perspective…

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