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Share your testimony

Why not share how God has answered prayer in your life? Visit our testimonies page.

Answers to Prayer

“God works to accomplish that which only He can accomplish.” Effective prayer brings change. It changes lives. It brings hope to the hopeless. It brings healing to broken and damaged lives. It mends marriages.  It matters.  Answers to our prayers bring about the will and purpose of God. He uses us in prayer to make…

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Psalm 145

I recently read a question a friend had posted on Facebook. “Why doesn’t the church pray more?” Many responded with some very insightful answers. I spent a couple of days thinking about this question.  One morning Psalms 145:16 jumped out at me, “You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” As I…

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Why Pray?

Your time is precious; why spend it praying? Prayer is not easy, so why do it? Let me ask you this; do you pray because you should or do you pray because you can? There’s a huge difference between the two. Many pray out of a sense of obligation. They pray because they know they…

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