Why don’t we pray first?

Why do we wait before we reach out to the Lord for help?

What are we even waiting for?

Why don’t we pray first? 

Maybe we don’t think we need to.

We’re self-sufficient. 

Our thoughts toward God are “I’ll do what I can and when I come to a time when I can’t I’ll let you know.” 

This may sound a bit extreme but isn’t this how we often reason with God? 

We reach out to him in prayer on a “need only” basis.

Sometimes we need him and sometimes we don’t.

We want God to bless us, but do we want him to control us?

Too many of us have committed our lives to Christ when we should have surrendered to him. 

Consider the difference between commitment and surrender. 

Commitment is defined as “To pledge or promise.”

It’s something we determine to do; an action we promise to make.

To surrender, though, is “To yield to the possession or power of another, to give up.”

Commitment involves a promise to give to someone. 

Surrender is giving up and giving in. It’s allowing a person to completely control what you do and what they do with you.

When you live a life of commitment to God you determine when God needs to get involved; what and when you need to commit to him.

But when we surrender to the Lord, we yield everything. It’s like we come to him and say, “Here I am God. Do with me as you please.”

When complete surrender is our foundational thought we will pray first. We won’t be confident in what we think we need to do, but will instead look to him for direction, guidance and intervention in every situation, knowing he’s in control.

Are you committed or have you surrendered? 

How would your life change if you surrendered to Christ?

Pray first. 

It will make all the difference.

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